Flash Comics #26
Title: (The Whip Plays Santa)
Pages: 6
Whip (of Earth-2)
Writer: John B. Wentworth
Artist: Homer Fleming
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Hamilton Lewis (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Arthur Lewis (a department store owner; no further appearances)
This story was not originally titled.
Rod Gaynor is asked by department store owner Arthur Lewis to play Santa Claus. Rod declines, but Marisa changes his mind. Rod then learns that Lewis has cancelled his plans because his insane brother Hamilton has escaped from the sanitarium. Hamilton creates chaos at the department store, then tries to kill Arthur. The Whip saves the store owner's life, but loses Hamilton, who disguises himself as Santa Claus. The Whip catches him again at a festival parade. Hamilton strikes his head in the scuffle. The blow restores Hamilton's mind, and he is reunited with Arthur.
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