Adventure Comics #71
Title: "The Invaders from the Future"
Pages: 13
Starman (Ted Knight of Earth-2)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Jack Burnley
Reprinted In:
Golden Age Starman Archives Vol. 1 HC (2000)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Light (disguised as the Unknown; last appearance in Adventure Comics #65; no further appearances)
- Light’s thugs (Slugger named; no further appearances)
- Men from the future (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Captain Ryan (last appearance in Adventure Comics #66; no further appearances)
- Professor Juniper Grimm (inventor of a time machine; no further appearances)
Using a time machine stolen from Professor Grimm, a man known as the Unknown brings back technology to create a Electro-Thunderbolt gun capable of directing lightning bolts. Using the gun, the Unknown destroys factories and munitions plants. Starman tracks down the source and destroys the gun, but the Unknown escapes into the future.
When the villain returns, he brings future men with him to attack the world. Starman is overcome when his gravity rod runs out of power. He recharges it during an eclipse and takes on the future men. They are vulnerable to the air and are easily defeated without their masks. Starman finally captures the Unknown who is his old nemesis, the Light.
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