Batman:The Dark Knight Detective Vol. 4 TPB

Title: "Monster Maker"
Pages: 22
Batman (Post-Crisis)
Writer: Alan Grant
Penciller: Norm Breyfogle
Inker: Steve Mitchell
Letterer: Todd Klein
Colorist: Adrienne Roy
Reprinted From:
Detective Comics #601 (1989)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Tenzin Wyatt (first appearance; last name not revealed in this story; next appearance in Detective Comics #602)
- Rafe Kellogg (a gang boss; next appearance in Detective Comics #602)
- Cecil (a member of Kellogg's gang; next appearance in Detective Comics #602)
- Lumps (a member of Kellogg's gang; next appearance in Detective Comics #602)
- Two Tulpas (both die in this story; no further appearances)
- Three muggers (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Mick and Randy (two patrolmen; no further appearances)
- A ferrari owner (no further appearances)
- A mugging victim (no further appearances)
"Tulpa Part One"
This story continues in Detective Comics #602.
Batman chases a ferrari through the streets of Gotham City. He prevents it from crashing into a bus. When it comes to a halt, the driver turns to dust before the Batman's eyes. Investigation reveals that the car was stolen along with five thousand dollars in cash.
The next evening, another man is sent to rob Wayne Manor. He assaults Alfred, who plants a tracking device. Batman follows the signal. The man was sent by Tenzin, a man who knows secrets from Tibet. Tenzin causes this man, who was never alive, to disintegrate also. He finds the tracker then prepares for Batman's arrival.
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