Robin:80 Years of the Boy Wonder HC
Title: "Drop Out ...or Drop Dead"
Pages: 8
Robin (of Earth-1)
Writer: Frank Robbins
Penciller: Gil Kane
Inker: Murphy Anderson
Reprinted From:
Detective Comics #395 (1970)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
This story in continued from the second story of Detective Comics #394.
Robin confronts Jonah Ramm, the leader of a citizens' group trying to shut down Hudson University. Jonah is working with phony cops who arrest him to cause mistrust between the students and the university. The frauds are actually foreign agents seeking to undermine the educational system in the country. Although he loses his fight with them, Robin escapes imprisonment and returns to the school in time to prevent it from being shut down. Dick Grayson expooses the phony cops and helps break up the protest rally. Following the adventure, Dick sends a letter to Batman to tell him about the case.
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