Detective Comics #34
Title: (No Title)
Pages: 10
Slam Bradley (of Earth-1)
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: Mart Bailey
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- James Kildare (a murderer; no further appearances)
- Boris Borsht and the Twerpan army (Agent XY-O named; no further appearances)
- Soldiers of the Luthorian army (no further appearances)
Slam captures wanted killer James Kildare and earns a five thousand dollar reward. He uses the reward money to take a vacation cruise with Shorty. Their trip is not peaceful though, as the ship passes through a war zone and is sunk by a submarine.
Slam and Shorty jump ship in time to survive. They are taken prisoner aboard the Twerpan sub, but Slam captures the commander. Before he can order the sub to safety, the crew blows up the ship.
Slam and Shorty are then picked up by a Twerpan plane. Again Slam takes over the plane, but when he lands in Luthorian territory they mistake him for the enemy. Slam and Shorty are forced to escape and are taken back to Twerpan territory. They learn that the Twerpan general is Kildare's former partner Boris Borsht. Slam captures Borsht and returns him to America for another reward.
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