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Comic Title: Suicide Squad Case Files Vol. 2 TPB
Publisher: DC
Cover Date: 2021
On Sale Date:
July 27, 2021 Direct Market Date July 27, 2021
Source: DC Connect, #11, 13
Direct Market Date July 28, 2021
Source: ComicList, New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Cover Price: $19.99
Page Count: 224
Editor: Alex Galer
See Also: The Guide to Graphic Novels and Collected Editions
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Title: "Grave Matters"
Pages: 22
Suicide Squad (Post-Crisis)
Writer: John Ostrander
Writer: David M. DeVries
Artist: Luke McDonnell
Letterer: Todd Klein
Colorist: Carl Gafford
Reprinted From:
Suicide Squad #44 (1990)
Feature Character(s)
- Suicide Squad (last appearance in Suicide Squad #43; next appearance in Suicide Squad #45)
- Captain Boomerang (first name George revealed; last appearance in Suicide Squad #43; next appearance in Suicide Squad #45)
- Deadshot (last appearance in Suicide Squad #43; next appearance in Suicide Squad #45)
- Atom (Adam Cray; first appearance; next appearance in Suicide Squad #45)
Supporting Character(s)
- Amanda Waller (last appearance in Suicide Squad #43; next appearance in Suicide Squad #45)
Guest Appearance(s)
- Flash (in flashback; last appearance in Secret Origins #30; next appearance in Secret Origins #50)
- Ray Palmer (behind-the-scenes; fakes his death in this story; last appearance in Power of the Atom #18; no further appearances)
- Justice League (last appearance in Justice League America #41; next appearance in Justice League America #42)
- Martian Manhunter (last appearance in Justice League America #41; next appearance in Justice League America #42)
- Superman (last appearance in Adventures of Superman #469; next appearance in Action Comics #656)
- Batman (last appearance in Batman #454; next appearance in Justice League America #42)
- Green Lantern (last appearance in Time Masters #7; next appearance in Green Lantern #1)
- Green Arrow (last appearance in Secret Origins #50; next appearance in Green Arrow #39)
- Black Canary (last appearance in Secret Origins #50; no further appearances)
- Jean Loring (behind-the-scenes; last appearance in Power of the Atom #18; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Walt Wiggins (Boomerang's biological father; first post-Crisis appearance; no further appearances)
- Ian Harkins (Boomerang's father; no further appearances)
- Tom Harkins (Boomerang's brother; no further appearances)
- Betty Harkins (Boomerang's mother; in flashback; no further appearances)
- Mick Wentworth (Boomerang's childhood friend; no further appearances)
- An unnamed reporter (no further appearances)
Flashback Appearance(s)
- Captain Boomerang (origin; earliest chronological appearance; next appearance in Secret Origins Annual #2)
Ray Palmer is reported dead in this story.
Following the apparent death of Ray Palmer, former teammates from the Justice League attend his funeral. A new Atom then joins the Suicide Squad.
Elsewhere, Captain Boomerang returns home to Australia to attend his mother's funeral. Deadshot goes with him. During the trip, Boomerang reflects on his life as a teen and his first meeting with the Flash. He also learns that Walt Wiggins, the head of the toy company he used to work for is his biological father.
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