Batman:The Dark Knight Archives Vol. 4 HC
Batman:The Dark Knight Archives Vol. 4 HC
Cover Credits
Artist: Jerry Robinson

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Title: "Prescription for Happiness"
Pages: 13

Batman (of Earth-2)

Writer: Don Cameron
Penciller: Bob Kane
Inker: Jerry Robinson

Reprinted From:
Batman #14 (1942)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Pills Mattson and his gang (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • A.B. "Doc" Chalmers (a pharmacist; no further appearances)
  • Patrolman Patton (a beat cop; no further appearances)
  • Alphonse Gibbs, "One-Round" Rickey, and Roy Ainslee (a fat man, a prize fighter, and a struggling doctor; no further appearances)
  • Mary Miller (no further appearances)
  • Lucy, Joe, and another young boy (no further appearances)

Escaped convict, Pills Mattson, flees from a fight with Batman. Pills hides at a local pharmacy where he and his gang force the pharmacist and a local doctor to help them. Batman enters the store to help wash dust out of his eyes, but he doesn't know that Pills is hiding in the back. After Batman leaves, Pills decides to use the pharmacy as a permanent hide-out, holding a young girl hostage to insure the cooperation of the pharmacist.

Batman eventually deduces where Mattson is hiding. He enters the store, but is quickly captured. Robin goes undercover as a soda boy and helps Batman escape. The pharmacist and his customers also pitch in to defeats Pills. The store is ruined in the fight, but Batman and the happy customers help the pharmacist rebuild.

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