Hawkman #14
Hawkman #14
Cover Credits
Penciller: Richard Howell
Inker: Kim DeMulder

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Title: "Like a Bolt from the Blue"
Pages: 22

Hawkman (Post-Crisis)

Writer: Dan Mishkin
Penciller: Richard Howell
Inker: Carlos Garzon
Letterer: Agustin Mas
Colorist: Michele Wolfman

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

This story is continued from Hawkman #13 and continues in Hawkman #15.

Hawkman confront Lewis Brundage about the murder of Lorraine Frazier. He admits to hiring her, but not to her murder. Brundage has also hired Bolt to protect him. Bolt and Hawkman battle until a spirit creature goes after Brundage. Bolt goes to protect his employer, but the spirit takes control of Bolt's costume. Brundage claims that the spirit is that of his old partner, Frank Delmore, whom he murdered. Hawkman is able to defeat the spirit by overloading Bolt's costume. However, Brundage is then shot by a sniper.

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