Title: "Chapter 6"
Pages: 22
Batman (Post-Crisis)
Writer: Jim Starlin
Penciller: Jim Aparo
Inker: Mike DeCarlo
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Adrienne Roy
Reprinted From:
Batman #429 (1989)
Feature Character(s)
Guest Star(s)
- Joker (last appearance in Batman #428; next appearance in Secret Origins #44)
- Ab'dul (Joker's assistant; no further appearances)
- Several terrorists (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Ralph Bundy (last appearance in Batman #420; no further appearances)
- Several U.N. delegates (no further appearances)
Book Four of Four
A Death in the Family Chapter 6
The final results of the poll results are revealed in this issue. 5271 voters wanted Jason Todd to live. 5343 callers voted for Jason's death. Jason Todd's fate was sealed by a mere 72 votes.
This story is continued from Batman #428.
The Joker prepares to speak to an assembly of U.N. delegates as the official ambassador from Iran. Batman pays him a visit, and the Joker admits to killing Robin. At the conference, Joker tries to kill the assembly using gas. Superman is nearby and inhales the gas. The Joker then detonates bombs placed in the building.
Batman chases the Joker, who boards an Iranian helicopter. Batman pursues. One of the soldiers fires wildly, hitting Batman, the Joker, and the pilot. Batman dives into the river while the helicopter and its passenger crash. Batman asks Superman to find the body, but he can't. Batman knows that the Joker survived.