Action Comics Weekly #605
Title: "Deadman Goes to Hell"
Pages: 8
Deadman (Post-Crisis)
Writer: Mike Baron
Penciller: Dan Jurgens
Inker: Tony DeZuniga
Letterer: Steve Haynie
Colorist: Liz Berube
Feature Character(s)
This story is continued from Action Comics Weekly #604 and continues in Action Comics Weekly #606.
The CIA has caught Deadman and imprisoned him in a glass chamber. They try to make him talk using alien technology taken from a Mayan temple. Deadman refuses help them.
When he is left alone with one of the guards, Deadman tricks him into breaking the glass case. Deadman escapes and takes possession of the guard's body. Stan, the director of the experiment, does not want Deadman coming into contact with another entity imprisoned in the next room. Deadman investigates and is pulled into a ceramic urn by a demon resembling the devil.
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