Super Heroes (#14)
Super Heroes (#14)
Cover Credits
Artist: Alan Craddock

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Title: "Please Stop My Funeral"
Pages: 12

Supergirl (of Earth-1)

Writer: Robert Kanigher
Penciller: J. Winslow Mortimer
Inker: Murphy Anderson

Reprinted From:
Adventure Comics #383 (1969)

Feature Character(s)

Guest Appearance(s)

Other Character(s)

  • Superman, Batman, Robin, Lois Lane, Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, and Lucy Lane (all from a parallel Earth; no further appearances)
  • Comet and Streaky (both from a parallel Earth; no further appearances)
  • Abraham Lincoln, Joan of Arc, and Isaac Newton (all from a parallel Earth; no further appearances)
  • Pam (a Stanhope College student; no further appearances)

Supergirl spots an unmanned alien craft interferring with the Apollo-15 space capsule. When she intervenes, Supergirl triggers a self-destruct mechanism. The Girl of Steel is then thrown into a parallel dimension.

Supergirl does not know that she is no longer on her own Earth. She witnesses Superman and her friends attending her funeral. She tries to tell them that she is still alive, but she is unable to communicate with them. She then encounters Abe Lincoln, Joan of Arc, and Isaac Newton. She wonders if she was sent through the time barrier accidentally. Strangely all three of them can see her, while Superman could not.

When Supergirl stops a giant rocket set off by Newton, the explosion sends her back to her own Earth. Supergirl concludes that in the other dimension the dead existed as negative people and could interact, while the positive living people could not see them. Supergirl confirms that she is back in her own world when Clark Kent speaks to her.

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