Green Arrow #36

Title: "The Black Arrow Saga Part 2"
Pages: 24
Green Arrow (Post-Crisis)
Writer: Mike Grell
Penciller: Mark Jones
Inker: Bill Wray
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Julia Lacquement
Reprinted In:
Green Arrow:Black Arrow TPB (2016)
Green Arrow:The Longbow Hunters Saga Omnibus Vol. 1 HC (2020)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Marianne (a street girl; no further appearances)
- Mr. Horowitz (a grocer; no further appearances)
- Tommy (a restaurant worker; no further appearances)
This story continues in Green Arrow #35 and continues in Green Arrow #37.
Oliver Queen is being hunted following his escaped from federal custody. He hides in the remains of a burned out building until he encounters a young woman living on the streets. He helps to protect the girl from a street gang, then befriends her. He eventually convinces the girl to break into his house and steal his bow and a bag containing money. Ollie gives the girl the money, then begins hunting Fyres.
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