Demon #6
Title: "Song of the Demon"
Pages: 24
Demon (Post-Crisis)
Writer: Alan Grant
Penciller: Val Semeiks
Inker: Denis Rodier
Letterer: Todd Klein
Colorist: Kurston Halpin
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- A demon bard (no further appearances)
This story is continued from Demon #5 and continues in Demon #7.
Merlin attempts to keep Jason Blood awake in order to prevent the emergence of Etrigan. However, Etrigan places a spell on Blood causing him to put himself to sleep. The Demon then bests Merlin and leads his army against Beelzebub. The battle results in the fall of one of Hell's rulers.
Etrigan then turns his attention upon Lucifer. Belial also joins the fray. Lucifer surrenders without a fight. Etrigan then destroys the city of Dis as his plan to rule Hell moves forward.
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