Detective Comics #101
Title: "Shoplifter's Holiday"
Pages: 7
Slam Bradley (of Earth-1)
Artist: Howard Sherman
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Mr. Klicks and his gang (Slugger and Fingers named; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Mr. Caldwell (a department store manager; no further appearances)
- Jones (a salesman; no further appearances)
- A department store detective (no further appearances)
- A tailor (no further appearances)
- Clancy (a cop; no further appearances)
Slam and Shorty stop a robbery at a department store, but the crooks get away. The detectives are hired by the store manager to catch the crooks. They succeed in finding the gang, but they are captured. After escaping a death trap, Slam and Shorty stop the crooks from committing another robbery. This time they succeed in making the arrest.
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