Title: "The Frogman and the Dinosaur"
Pages: 17
War That Time Forgot
Writer: Robert Kanigher
Penciller: Ross Andru
Inker: Michael Esposito
Reprinted From:
Star Spangled War Stories #94 (1960)
Feature Character(s)
- Phil and Zack (navy frogmen; no further appearances)
Supporting Character(s)
- An unnamed lieutenant (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Several frogmen (no further appearances)
This story takes place near Lava Island in the Pacific. Dinosaur Island is not mentioned.
A group of newly trained frogmen and their lieutenant are assigned support duty for the Navy near Lava Island. The new frogmen are clumsy and labeled lame ducks by the lieutenant. When one of their ships is hit by a floating mine, the frogmen are ordered to destroy the mines. However, only two frogmen, Zack and Phil, plus the lieutenant are in condition to accomplish the mission.
The trio of frogmen dive underwater. They observe that the detonation of the first mine has opened a crack in the ocean floor. From the crack emerges a water breathing dinosaur. It attacks one of the PT boats, so the frogmen are forced to kill it.
After killing the monster, the frogmen resume their mission. When the mines are detonated, another crack opens and another dinosaur emerges. This one is shaped like a giant crab. The frogmen kill it and a third dinosaur before completing their mission. With the success, the new frogmen have finally proven themselves.