Detective Comics #151
Title: "Rich Man, Poor Man, Lawyer Man... Thief"
Pages: 7
Slam Bradley (of Earth-1)
Artist: Howard Sherman
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Slick Eddie and his gang (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- An unnamed lawyer (no further appearances)
- Miss Dale (a secretary; no further appearances)
A lawyer visits Slam's office and informs him that Slam and Shorty have been mentioned into the will of millionaire Ezra Pickney. The only condition of the will is that the detectives retire. Slam and Shorty agree to accept the money and quit their jobs. The lawyer then informs them that Ezra's son Elbert is contesting the will claiming he has one of his own.
Slam and Shorty pay Elbert a visit and see the second will. When Slam notices a fingerprint on it, Elbert and two men attack. Slam and Shorty overcome the men and expose Elbert as a phony. Though, they prove the second will false, their actions in solving the case has broken the terms of the original will. The inheritance is instead given to an animal shelter.
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