Superman Chronicles Vol. 3 TPB
Superman Chronicles Vol. 3 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Joe Shuster

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Title: "The Atomic Disintegrator"
Pages: 13

Superman (of Earth-2)

Writer: Jerry Siegel
Penciller: Joe Shuster
Inker: Paul Cassidy

Reprinted From:
Action Comics #21 (1940)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

This story was originally not titled.

Clark Kent is caught in an explosion, but escapes unharmed. He is taken to the laboratory of Dr. Terry Curtis, who Clark learns, caused the explosion while perfecting an atomic explosive weapon. Ultra, in the body of Dolores Winters, also hears about the weapon and uses his feminine body to get close to Curtis. Ultra then kidnaps the scientist and takes him to his secret headquarters.

Soon, with the weapon perfected and installed on an aircraft, Ultra blackmails the city of Metropolis. Superman stops the plane and rides it back to a volcano which serves as Ultra’s base. Ultra has rigged an explosive device to destroy Metropolis if Superman enters the lab.

In order to rescue Curtis, Superman follows Ultra’s orders to rob a museum of a crown jewel exhibit. The national guard and the police try to stop him, but he obtains the jewels and returns to the volcano. Ultra tries to double-cross him, but Superman destroys his machines, rescues Curtis, and causes the volcano to erupt, destroying the base.

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