Showcase Presents:Robin the Boy Wonder Vol. 1 TPB
Title: "The Outcast Society"
Pages: 7
Robin (of Earth-1)
Writer: Mike Friedrich
Penciller: Irving H. Novick
Inker: Dick Giordano
Reprinted From:
Batman #235 (1971)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
This story is continued from Batman #234 and continues in Batman #236.
Robin has traced the shooter of police officer Robert Beeker to a commune where his daughter Nanci lives. Robin has determined that Nanci's boyfriend Pat Whalon was the shooter, but the commune members block the Boy Wonder from making an arrest. Instead, Robin joins their community and earns their respect. The community then votes to allow Robin to bring Whalon back to the city for trial. Whalon admits to the crime, but rejects the decision. He flees, setting fire to the surrounding forest in the process.
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