Cover Credits |
Carmine Infantino Inker: Murphy Anderson |
Title: Showcase Presents:Robin the Boy Wonder Vol. 1 TPB
Publication Date: 2008
(On Sale: January 9, 2008)
Format: 512-Page Trade Paperback
Cover Price: $16.99
Collection Group: Showcase Presents
Contents: Detective Comics #342,386,390,394,395,398-403,445,447,450,451,
Batman #162,184,192,213,217,227,229-231,234-236,239-242,244-246,248-250,252,254,
Jimmy Olsen #91,111, Justice League of America #91,92,
and World's Finest #141,147,195,200
Batman: "The Origin of Robin" (12 pages)
E. Nelson Bridwell (Writer) Ross Andru (Penciller) Michael Esposito (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #213 (1969)Superman/Batman: "The Olsen-Robin Team Versus 'The Superman-Batman Team'" (17 pages)
Edmond Hamilton (Writer) Curt Swan (Penciller) George Klein (Inker)
Reprinted From: World's Finest Comics #141 (1964)Superman/Batman: "The New Terrific Team" (16 pages)
Edmond Hamilton (Writer) Curt Swan (Penciller) George Klein (Inker)
Reprinted From: World's Finest Comics #147 (1965)Batman: "The Midnight Raid of the Robin Gang" (14 pages)
John Broome (Writer) Sheldon Moldoff (Penciller) Joe Giella (Inker)
Reprinted From: Detective Comics #342 (1965)Jimmy Olsen: "The Dragon Delinquent" (17 pages)
Leo Dorfman (Writer) Peter Costanza (Artist)
Reprinted From: Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #91 (1966)Robin: "The Boy Wonder's Boo-Boo Patrol" (10 pages)
Gardner F. Fox (Writer) Chic Stone (Penciller) Sid Greene (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #184 (1966)Batman: "Dick Grayson's Secret Guardian" (10 pages)
Gardner F. Fox (Writer) Sheldon Moldoff (Penciller) Joe Giella (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #192 (1967)Jimmy Olsen: "Jimmy Olsen, Boy Wonder" (12 pages)
Cary Bates (Writer) Peter Costanza (Artist)
Reprinted From: Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #111 (1968)Robin: "Menace of the Motorcycle Marauders" (10 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Chic Stone (Penciller) Joe Giella (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #202 (1968)Robin: "The Teen-Age Gap" (9 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Ross Andru (Penciller) Michael Esposito (Inker)
Reprinted From: Detective Comics #386 (1969)Robin: "Countdown to Chaos" (8 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Gil Kane (Penciller) Murphy Anderson (Inker)
Reprinted From: Detective Comics #390 (1969)Robin: "Strike" (9 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Gil Kane (Penciller) Murphy Anderson (Inker)
Reprinted From: Detective Comics #391 (1969)Batman: "One Bullet Too Many" (23 pages)
Frank Robbins (Writer) Irving H. Novick (Penciller) Dick Giordano (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #217 (1969)Robin: "Strike... While the Campus Is Hot" (9 pages)
Frank Robbins (Writer) Gil Kane (Penciller) Murphy Anderson (Inker)
Reprinted From: Detective Comics #394 (1969)Robin: "Drop Out ...or Drop Dead" (8 pages)
Frank Robbins (Writer) Gil Kane (Penciller) Murphy Anderson (Inker)
Reprinted From: Detective Comics #395 (1970)Robin: "Moon-Struck" (8 pages)
Frank Robbins (Writer) Gil Kane (Penciller) Vince Colletta (Inker)
Reprinted From: Detective Comics #398 (1970)Robin: "Panic by Moonglow" (9 pages)
Frank Robbins (Writer) Gil Kane (Penciller) Vince Colletta (Inker)
Reprinted From: Detective Comics #399 (1970)Batgirl/Robin: "A Burial for Batgirl" (8 pages)
Dennis J. O'Neil (Writer) Gil Kane (Penciller) Vince Colletta (Inker)
Reprinted From: Detective Comics #400 (1970)Robin/Batgirl: "Midnight Is the Dying Hour" (8 pages)
Dennis J. O'Neil (Writer) Gil Kane (Penciller) Vince Colletta (Inker)
Reprinted From: Detective Comics #401 (1970)Jimmy Olsen: "Olsen, the Teen-Wonder" (13 pages)
Bob Haney (Writer) Murphy Anderson (Artist)
Reprinted From: Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #130 (1970)Superman/Batman: "Dig Now, Die Later" (18 pages)
Bob Haney (Writer) Ross Andru (Penciller) Michael Esposito (Inker)
Reprinted From: World's Finest Comics #195 (1970)Robin: "My Place in the Sun" (8 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Gil Kane (Penciller) Vince Colletta (Inker)
Reprinted From: Detective Comics #402 (1970)Robin: "Break-Out" (8 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Gil Kane (Penciller) Vince Colletta (Inker)
Reprinted From: Detective Comics #403 (1970)Robin: "Help Me --- I Think I'm Dead" (7 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Irving H. Novick (Penciller) Michael Esposito (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #227 (1970)Robin: "Temperature Boiling... and Rising" (7 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Irving H. Novick (Penciller) Frank Giacoia (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #229 (1971)Superman/Robin: "Prisoners of the Immortal World" (22 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Dick Dillin (Penciller) Joe Giella (Inker)
Reprinted From: World's Finest Comics #200 (1971)Robin: "Danger Comes A-Looking" (7 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Irving H. Novick (Penciller) Dick Giordano (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #230 (1971)Robin: "Wiped Out" (7 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Irving H. Novick (Penciller) Dick Giordano (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #231 (1971)Robin: "Vegeance for a Cop" (7 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Irving H. Novick (Penciller) Dick Giordano (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #234 (1971)Robin: "The Outcast Society" (7 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Irving H. Novick (Penciller) Dick Giordano (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #235 (1971)Robin: "Rain Fire" (7 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Irving H. Novick (Penciller) Dick Giordano (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #236 (1971)Robin: "Soul-Pit" (8 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Rich F. Buckler (Penciller) Dick Giordano (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #239 (1972)Robin: "Theater of the Mind" (9 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Rich F. Buckler (Artist)
Reprinted From: Batman #240 (1972)Robin: "Secret of the Psychic Siren" (8 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Rich F. Buckler (Artist)
Reprinted From: Batman #241 (1972)Robin: "Death-Point" (8 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Rich F. Buckler (Penciller) Dick Giordano (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #242 (1972)Justice League of America: "Earth -- The Monster-Maker" (22 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Dick Dillin (Penciller) Joe Giella (Inker)
Reprinted From: Justice League of America #91 (1971)Justice League of America: "Solomon Grundy -- The One and Only" (22 pages)
Mike Friedrich (Writer) Dick Dillin (Penciller) Joe Giella (Inker) John Costanza (Letterer)
Reprinted From: Justice League of America #92 (1971)Robin: "Teen-Age Trap" (8 pages)
Elliot S. Maggin (Writer) Irving H. Novick (Penciller) Dick Giordano (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #244 (1972)Robin: "Who Stole the Gift from Nowhere" (9 pages)
Elliot S. Maggin (Writer) Irving H. Novick (Penciller) Dick Giordano (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #245 (1972)Batman: "How Many Ways Can a Robin Die?" (23 pages)
Frank Robbins (Writer) Irving H. Novick (Penciller) Dick Dillin (Penciller) Dick Giordano (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #246 (1972)Robin: "The Immortals of Usen Castle" (9 pages)
Elliot S. Maggin (Writer) Irving H. Novick (Penciller) Frank McLaughlin (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #248 (1973)Robin: "Case of the Kidnaped Crusader" (8 pages)
Elliot S. Maggin (Writer) Bob Brown (Penciller) Frank McLaughlin (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #249 (1973)Robin: "Return of the Flying Grayson" (6 pages)
Elliot S. Maggin (Writer) Irving H. Novick (Penciller) Frank McLaughlin (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #250 (1973)Robin: "The King from Canarsie" (7 pages)
Elliot S. Maggin (Writer) Dick Dillin (Penciller) Dick Giordano (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #252 (1973)Robin: "The Phenomenal Memory of Luke Graham" (7 pages)
Elliot S. Maggin (Writer) Dick Dillin (Penciller) Murphy Anderson (Inker)
Reprinted From: Batman #254 (1974)Robin: "The Touchdown Trap" (8 pages)
Bob Rozakis (Writer) Mike Grell (Artist)
Reprinted From: Detective Comics #445 (1975)Robin: "The Puzzle of the Pyramids" (6 pages)
Bob Rozakis (Writer) A. Martinez (Penciller) Mazzaroli (Inker)
Reprinted From: Detective Comics #447 (1975)Robin: "The Parking Lot Bandit" (6 pages)
Bob Rozakis (Writer) Allen Milgrom (Penciller) Terry Austin (Inker)
Reprinted From: Detective Comics #450 (1975)Robin: "The Parking Lot Bandit Strikes Again" (6 pages)
Bob Rozakis (Writer) Allen Milgrom (Penciller) Terry Austin (Inker)
Reprinted From: Detective Comics #451 (1975)
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