Detective Comics #22
Detective Comics #22
Cover Credits
Artist: Jim G. Chambers

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Title: (The Return of Fui Onyui)
Pages: 13

Slam Bradley (of Earth-1)

Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: Joe Shuster

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Fui Onyui (dies in this story; last appearance in Detective Comics #1; no further appearances)
  • Fui's men (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Yat Sin (a chinese detective; disguised as Judge Phillips in this story; no further appearances)

This story was not originally titled.

Slam learns that his old foe Fui Onyui has escaped prison. Shorty also appears to be missing, so Slam goes undercover to learn where Shorty has been taken. Assisted by chinese detective Yat Sin, Slam finds Shorty in a state of suspended animation. Only Fui Onyui possesses the means to save Shorty.

Slam is forced to bargain with his foe to save Shorty's life. Fui orders Slam to murder Judge Phillips, which will get him sent to the electric chair. Slam appears to comply with Fui's orders, but secretly double-crosses the villain with Yat Sin's help. Shorty is saved. Then Fui is killed by Yat Sin before he can kill Slam.

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