Detective Comics #254
Title: "One Ounce of Doom"
Pages: 12
Batman (of Earth-1)
Penciller: Sheldon Moldoff
Inker: Charles Paris
Reprinted In:
Batman:The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 1 HC (2023)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Burton and Hegan (ex-cons; no further appearances)
- Two escaped prisoners (Burns named; no further appearances)
- An unnamed hobo (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- An unnamed scientist and some boy scouts (no further appearances)
A hobo steals a new type of bomb from a scientist’s laboratory. The hobo is unaware of the danger and tries to escape from Batman and Robin. He drops the bomb cannister onto a train, forcing the Dynamic Duo to chase after it.
The cannister is found by some boy scouts, but before Batman can locate it, some ex-cons get a hold of it. Batman and Robin catch them, but the cannister is hidden elsewhere. Burns, an escaped prisoner, finds it and activates it. Bat-Hound jumps the man, so he places it in Ace’s collar. Batman is finally able to find and deactivate the bomb moments before it goes off.
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