World's Finest Comics #131
Title: "A Cure for Billy Jones"
Pages: 6
Green Arrow (of Earth-1)
Writer: France E. Herron
Artist: Lee Elias
Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents Green Arrow Vol. 1 TPB (2006)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Tom, Mike, Petie, and Joe (a criminal gang; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Billy Jones, his parents, and his doctor (no further appearances)
Billy Jones is suffering from a deep depression. His doctor contacts Green Arrow to help. GA agrees to bring Billy with him on a mission, but even after the archers capture some hoods, Billy is still depressed. Some additional crooks then capture Green Arrow and Speedy. Billy rescues them using GA’s trick arrows. The archers finish off the crooks, and Billy feels useful again.
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