World's Finest Comics #227
Title: "The Secret of Mount Olympus"
Pages: 25
Rip Hunter (of Earth-1)
Writer: Jack Miller
Artist: John William Ely
Reprinted From:
Rip Hunter... Time Master #11 (1962)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Calypso, Zeus, Theseus, and other Olympians (advanced aliens; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
Chap. 2: "Dead End on Calypso Island"
Chap. 3: "The Invasion of Mount Olympus"
Rip Hunter and his team travel to ancient Greece seeking evidence of a griffin. Jeff and Rip are hunted by centaurs commanded by Calypso. The sorceress then transforms Jeff into a griffin and forces Rip to flee.
Rip goes to Mount Olympus for help. Zeus agrees to help him if he can retrieve a golden apple tree. Rip successfully accomplishes his task, and Zeus keeps his promise, defeating Calypso and restoring Jeff.
Zeus, however, is a malevolent alien, held in check only by Calypso. Using advanced science he will now be able to extend his rule. Rip and the team use the trojan horse trick to sneak into Olympus and destroy Zeus’s control room, rendering his weapons useless. Finally, Zeus and the other Olympians agree to return to their own planet, leaving Earth with many legends of their existance.
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