Cover Credits |
Penciller: Gil Kane Inker: Joe Giella |
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Comic Title: Green Lantern Chronicles Vol. 1 TPB
Publisher: DC
Cover Date: 2009
On Sale Date:
April 29, 2009 Direct Market Date April 29, 2009
Source: ComicList, New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Direct Market Date April 29, 2009
Source: Previews, #244
Cover Price: $14.99
Page Count: 160
Editor: Bob Joy
See Also: The Guide to Graphic Novels and Collected Editions
<< | Story List | >> |
Title: "The Secret of the Black Museum"
Pages: 13
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan of Earth-1)
Writer: John Broome
Penciller: Gil Kane
Inker: Joe Giella
Reprinted From:
Showcase #24 (1960)
Feature Character(s)
- Green Lantern (last appearance in Justice League of America #9; next appearance in Showcase #24)
Supporting Character(s)
- Carol Ferris (last appearance in Showcase #23; next appearance in Showcase #24)
- Three unnamed spies (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Various citizens of Coast City (no further appearances)
- General Willis (name not given in this story; next appearance in Green Lantern #3)
While walking to the hangar at the Ferris Aircraft Company, Carol Ferris recalls a previous evening with Green Lantern in which he was about to tell her something. He was interrupted when GL spots a drowning man and rushes to the rescue. Carol believes GL was going to propose. She reaches the hangar and informs pilot, Hal Jordan, that the plans he was studying for the secret X-500 project are wanted back by the army, so they can make changes.
As Hal changes clothes he realizes that the plans which had been in his jacket pocket are now missing. He recalls being bumped by a suspicious man in the commissary earlier in the day. He uses the ring to probe his own mind and finds out that he had seen the man before at a amusement park. Hal sets out for the park, as Green Lantern.
Upon his arrival at the park, a yellow roller coaster car jumps its’ tracks and hurtles to its doom. GL creates giant springs with his ring which only touch the car on the non-yellow underside. Immediately after he saves the car, Carol approaches him and attempts to get GL to propose. However, Green Lantern witnesses the suspicious dark-faced man enter the Black Museum, an exhibit at the park.
Green Lantern enters the exhibit and discovers that 3 spies plan on sending the stolen plans off in a rocket. He is knocked out before he can stop them. When he regains consciousness, Green Lantern is tied to the rocket. It blasts off, but GL placed a protective bubble around himself just in time. He frees himself, captures the spies, stops the rocket, and returns the plans to the army.
After leaving army headquarters, Carol approaches Green Lantern and is upset with him for not proposing. This leaves GL puzzled since he had never intended to propose.
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