Cover Credits |
Penciller: Gil Kane Inker: Joe Giella |
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Comic Title: Green Lantern Chronicles Vol. 1 TPB
Publisher: DC
Cover Date: 2009
On Sale Date:
April 29, 2009 Direct Market Date April 29, 2009
Source: ComicList, New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Direct Market Date April 29, 2009
Source: Previews, #244
Cover Price: $14.99
Page Count: 160
Editor: Bob Joy
See Also: The Guide to Graphic Novels and Collected Editions
<< | Story List | >> |
Title: "The Secret of the Golden Thunderbolts"
Pages: 13
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan of Earth-1)
Writer: John Broome
Penciller: Gil Kane
Inker: Joe Giella
Reprinted From:
Green Lantern #2 (1960)
Feature Character(s)
- Green Lantern (last appearance in Green Lantern #1; next appearance in Green Lantern #2)
Supporting Character(s)
- Carol Ferris (last appearance in Green Lantern #1; next appearance in Green Lantern #2)
- Weaponers of Qward (next appearance in Green Lantern #3)
Other Character(s)
- Telle-Teg and four other beings from Qward (Telle-Teg dies in this story; no further appearances)
- Various citizens of Coast City (no further appearances)
This is the first appearance of the anti-matter universe of Qward.
The citizens of Coast City are alarmed to discover that there are holes appearing around town. Some are in the street, others are in the sides of buildings. There is no known explanation for their appearance.
At the Ferris Aircraft Company, Hal Jordan is approached by Telle-Teg. Telle-Teg approaches Hal because it has been established that Hal is the rival of Green Lantern for the affections of Carol Ferris. Telle-Teg hopes that Hal can put him in contact with GL.
Hal inquires into the matter and learns Telle-Teg is from Qward, a universe which occupies the same space-continuum as Earth, but on a different space-time level. That universe is ruled by the Weaponers, an evil race. A few individuals from this world are not evil and wish to escape.
Telle-Teg learns about a secret bridge that leads to the positive matter universe. He uses his job as a record keeper to gather information about the bridge. Then he eludes the guards and passes through into the positive universe. Once there he discovers that people in this world are good by nature. However he is pursued by a destroyer of the weaponers. It is their Qwa-bolts which have created the holes in the city. Telle-Teg searches out Green Lantern for help.
Hal leaves in search of Green Lantern, but returns quickly after charging his ring. He gets back just in time because a destroyer attacks and GL is pushed out of the way from a yellow Qwa-bolt by Telle-Teg. The destroyer’s yellow shield makes him a difficult target so GL turns invisible and is able to stop the destroyer. However, Telle-Teg was injured and dies.
Green Lantern uses his ring to track the radiation and locate the entrance to the dimensional bridge. GL passes over and saves the lives of Telle-Teg’s compatriots. He brings them back through the portal with him, and then he closes the bridge down. He delivers the refugees to a new world for them to colonize. They inform him of a plan the Weaponers are launching to steal all of the universe’s power batteries.
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