Justice League International Vol. 3 TPB
Justice League International Vol. 3 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Kevin Maguire

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Title: "Where No League Has Gone Before"
Pages: 22

Justice League (Post-Crisis)

Plotter: Keith Giffen
Scripter: J. Mark DeMatteis
Penciller: Kevin Maguire
Inker: Alan Gordon
Letterer: Bob Lappan
Colorist: Eugene D'Angelo

Reprinted From:
Justice League International #18 (1988)

Feature Character(s)

Guest Star(s)

Supporting Character(s)


This story continues in Justice League International #19.

Martian Manhunter and his team continue their pursuit of Manga Khan and the captive Scott Free. Using Barda's power wand they are able to get ahead of Khan's ship and are waiting for it when it comes out of warp. A stand-off is reached between the two ships which is broken with the arrival of Lobo, a cosmic hitman hired by Khan.

Lobo enters the Justice League ship and proceeds to defeat Rocket Red, Gnort, and J'onn handily. Barda then opens a boom tube to send Lobo away. However, Khan's ship has departed for Apokolips during the battle.

Back on Earth, Blue Beetle proposes that the League conduct a membership drive. Suddenly, the boom tube created by Barda opens. Guy is struck by Lobo on the way through. The blow to Guy's head restores his arrogant personality.

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