Cover Credits |
Artist: Murphy Anderson |
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Comic Title: Showcase #55
Publisher: DC
(National Periodical Publications, Inc.)
Address: 575 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY
Cover Date: Mar/Apr 1965
On Sale Date:
January 28, 1965 Copyright Date January 28, 1965
Source: Library of Congress, Periodicals 1965
Frequency: Bi-monthly
Cover Price: $0.12
Page Count: 32
Editor: Julius Schwartz
Story |
Title: "Solomon Grundy Goes on a Rampage"
Pages: 26
Doctor Fate (Kent Nelson of Earth-2)
Hourman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Murphy Anderson
Reprinted In:
Brave & the Bold #115 (1974)
Crisis on Multiple Earths the Team Ups Vol. 1 TPB (2006)
Feature Character(s)
- Doctor Fate (last appearance in Justice League of America #30; next appearance in Showcase #56)
- Hourman (last appearance in Justice League of America #22; next appearance in Showcase #56)
Guest Star(s)
- Green Lantern (last appearance in Justice League of America #22; next appearance in Justice League of America #37)
Supporting Character(s)
- Inza Nelson (marriage to Kent Nelson revealed in this story; last appearance in More Fun Comics #90; next appearance in Showcase #56)
- Solomon Grundy (first Silver Age appearance; last appearance in All-Star Squadron #3; next appearance in Justice League of America #46)
- Grundy's gang (last appearance in All-Star Comics #33; no further appearances)
This issue contains a one-page text feature entitled "The Origin of Dr. Fate and Hourman".
Solomon Grundy returns to Earth in this story. His exile from All-Star Comics #33 is recapped.
A fiery meteor passes Solomon Grundy's energy globe and allows him to return to Earth. When he lands, he seeks his old foe Green Lantern. Dr. Fate senses Grundy's arrival and goes to investigate. He encounters Grundy in a marshland not far from Rex Tyler's chemical plant. Rex also charges into battle as Hourman.
Somehow the combination of radiation from the swamp, Rex's Miraclo pills, and Dr. Fate's magic neutralize the powers of the heroes. Grundy eludes capture and finally tracks down Green Lantern. He defeats GL, then reforms his old gang. Hourman and Dr. Fate again are handicapped by their own powers, but manage to stop the gang.
The heroes finally track Grundy back to the radioactive swamp. Green Lantern has been transformed by the marshes into a monster resembling Grundy. Dr. Fate's magic cures him, then GL and Fate imprison Grundy in a new energy globe placed in orbit above the Earth.
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