Adventure Comics #113
Title: "The 33rd Christmas"
Pages: 8
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Writer: Don Cameron
Penciller: John Sikela
Inker: Stan Kaye
Reprinted In:
Adventures of Superboy HC (2010)
Feature Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Nicholas Brown and Ellen (a janitor and his wife; no further appearances)
- Several students and their parents (Joe, Alec, Pete, George, and Mr. Wales named; no further appearances)
- Tony (a driver; no further appearances)
- Mr. Rudge (a wealthy man; no further appearances)
- An unnamed doctor (no further appearances)
Nicholas Brown, a school janitor, has played Santa Claus for the local children for 32 years. During the 33rd year his house catches fire and his wife is injured. Superboy takes her in for medical treatment, but Nick is unable to complete his duties as Santa Claus. Superboy organizes the local boys and their families to raise money for Nick. Superboy then repairs Nick's home and on his 33rd Christmas, Nick is paid back for his years of generosity by the community.
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