Adventure Comics #114
Title: "S-U-P-E-R-B-O-Y Spells Danger"
Pages: 7
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Writer: Don Cameron
Artist: John Sikela
Reprinted In:
Adventures of Superboy HC (2010)
Feature Character(s)
- A gang of thieves (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Oswald Murgatroyd and several other students (no further appearances)
- John Baker (a geologist; no further appearances)
Clark Kent joins a group of spelling bee champions on a trip to Yellowstone Park. One of the students Oswald Murgatroyd hears a cry for help and tries to rescues a geologist who has been tied up. His assistants have discovered a gold deposit and wish to keep it for themselves. The crooks try to kill the geologist and Oswald, but Superboy comes to their rescue. After the crooks have been captured, many students begin to suspect that Oswald is Superboy's secret identity.
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