Green Lantern #32
Green Lantern #32
Cover Credits
Penciller: Gil Kane
Inker: Murphy Anderson

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Title: "Power Battery Peril"
Pages: 12

Green Lantern (Hal Jordan of Earth-1)

Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Penciller: Gil Kane
Inker: Sid Greene

Reprinted In:
Four Star Spectacular #3 (1976)
Green Lantern Archives Vol. 5 HC (2005)
Showcase Presents Green Lantern Vol. 2 TPB (2007)
Green Lantern Omnibus Vol. 2 HC (2012)
Green Lantern:The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 1 HC (2017)
Green Lantern:The Silver Age Vol. 3 TPB (2018)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Vant Orl (an alien tyrant; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Energiman (an alien super-hero; dies in this story; no further appearances)
  • Golden Blade, Strong Girl, and Magicko (colleagues of Energiman; no further appearances)

While charging his power ring, Green Lantern is suddenly drawn into the power battery, then sent as energy into space. He is drawn to a moon in orbit around the planet Thronn where four alien super-heroes have been imprisoned. One of the heroes, Energiman, who uses energy on the same wave-length as GL's power ring. He summoned Green Lantern to help defeat a tyrant at the cost of his own life.

Green Lantern fails to release the heroes from their prison, but vows to stop the tyrant Vant Orl. When he confronts the villain, he finds that his power ring is resisting him and delaying in carrying out his orders. He realizes that Vant Orl is fighting him for control of the ring telepathically. He uses a yellow barrier to block Vant Orl's mental communication with the ring, then easily defeats the tyrant. Green Lantern is then able to free the imprisoned heroes before returning to Earth.

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