Superboy #101

Title: "The Handsome Hound of Steel"
Pages: 12
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Writer: Robert Bernstein
Artist: George Papp
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- A gang of dog-nappers (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Bridgitte and her owner (no further appearances)
Krypto finds a gang of dog-nappers, so he pretends to be weakened by some fake Kryptonite in order to capture them. The gang catches on to Krypto’s deception and release the dogs in order to win Krypto’s trust. They get Krypto to dig a tunnel for them, which unknown to Krypto, leads under a bank.
The crooks promise to use a transformer machine on Krypto to change him into a handsome collie. The machine is a hoax, and when Krypto realizes he has been deceived he tricks the crooks by changing the tunnel.
Later Krypto flies through a Red Kryptonite cloud which changes him in the handsome collie. Krypto is happy because he believes his new appearance will impress a female french poodle. Unfortunately he has been changed in a female dog and has puppies. When the Red Kryptonite wears off, Krypto returns to normal and the puppies disappear.
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