![Man of Steel #1 [MPI Premium] Man of Steel #1 [MPI Premium]](/gallery/!promo/supermanvar/mansteel1-mpi.jpg)
Cover Credits |
Artist: John L. Byrne |
Comic List | >> |
Comic Title: Man of Steel #1 [MPI Premium]
Publisher: DC
Cover Date: 1994
Approx. On Sale Date:
January 1, 1994
Cover Price: No Price
Page Count: 32
Included w/audio cassettes
Story |
Title: "From Out the Green Dawn..."
Pages: 32
Superman (Post-Crisis)
Writer/Penciller: John L. Byrne
Inker: Dick Giordano
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Thomas J. Ziuko
Reprinted From:
Man of Steel #1 (1986)
Feature Character(s)
- Superman (first post-Crisis appearance; last appearance in World of Metropolis #3; next appearance in World of Smallville #4)
Supporting Character(s)
- Lois Lane (first post-Crisis appearance; last appearance in World of Metropolis #3; next appearance in Man of Steel #2)
- Jonathan Kent (first post-Crisis appearance; last appearance in Man of Steel #1; next appearance in World of Smallville #3)
- Martha Kent (first post-Crisis appearance; last appearance in Man of Steel #1; next appearance in World of Smallville #3)
- Lana Lang (first post-Crisis appearance; last appearance in World of Smallville #3; next appearance in Man of Steel #6)
- Jor-El (first post-Crisis appearance; dies in this story; last appearance in Action Comics Annual #2; next appearance in Adventures of Superman #461)
- Lara (first post-Crisis appearance; dies in this story; last appearance in Action Comics Annual #2; next appearance in Adventures of Superman #461)
- Emmett Vale (partially behind-the-scenes; identity revealed in Superman #1; name revealed in Who's Who Update '87 #4; next appearance in Man of Steel #4)
Other Character(s)
- Kelor (a robot servant of Jor-El; no further appearances)
- Kelex (a robot servant of Jor-El; first appearance; last appearance in Action Comics Annual #2; no further appearances)
- The coach and several player of the Smallville High football team (no further appearances)
- The crew of a space plane (Calahan named; no further appearances)
Flashback Appearance(s)
- Kal-El (during the destruction of Krypton; pages 1-8; last appearance in World of Krypton #4; next appearance in World of Smallville #2)
- Kal-El (during his arrival on Earth; pages 13-14; last appearance in World of Smallville #2; next appearance in Man of Steel #1)
- Clark Kent (as a child with developing powers; pages 15-16; last appearance in Man of Steel #1; next appearance in World of Smallville #3)
- Clark Kent (during his last days in Smallville; pages 9-18; last appearance in World of Smallville #3; next appearance in Man of Steel #6)
- Jonathan Kent (during Kal-El's arrival on Earth; pages 13-14; last appearance in World of Smallville #2; next appearance in Man of Steel #1)
- Jonathan Kent (during Clark's childhood; page 15; last appearance in Man of Steel #1; next appearance in Man of Steel #1)
- Jonathan Kent (during Clark's last days in Smallville; pages 9-18; last appearance in Man of Steel #1; next appearance in Man of Steel #1)
- Martha Kent (during Kal-El's arrival on Earth; pages 13-14; last appearance in World of Smallville #2; next appearance in Man of Steel #1)
- Martha Kent (during Clark's childhood; pages 15-16; last appearance in Man of Steel #1; next appearance in Man of Steel #1)
- Martha Kent (during Clark's last days in Smallville; pages 9-18; last appearance in Man of Steel #1; next appearance in Man of Steel #1)
- Lana Lang (as a child; page 15; last appearance in World of Smallville #3; next appearance in World of Smallville #3)
Chapter One:"The Secret"
Chapter Two:"The Exposure"
Epilogue:"The Super-Hero"
This story reveals the origin of the post-Crisis Superman. It contains several scenes from different times in his life, which take place as follows:
- Pgs 1-8 (Age 0) – Jor-El sends his unborn son Kal-El to Earth.
- Pgs 9-18 (Age 18) – Clark learns how the Kents found him, then leaves Smallville.
- Pgs 13-14 (Age 0, Flashback) – The Kents find Kal-El's rocket. More details surrounding this event are given in World of Smallville #2.
- Pg 15 (Age 3, Flashback) – Clark seems to be a perfect child.
- Pg 15 (Age 6, Flashback) – Clark begins school and meets Lana.
- Pgs 15-16 (Age 8, Flashback) – Clark's powers begin to develop; first invulnerability, then super strength.
- Pg 16 (Age 12, Flashback) – Clark possesses x-ray vision.
- Pg 16 (Age 17, Flashback) – Clark discovers that he can fly.
- Pgs 19-32 (Age 25) – Clark is seen using his powers during a rescue of a space plane. He adopts the costumed identity of Superman.
As revealed in Superman #1, the shadowy figure on pages 17 and 32 is Emmett Vale, the scientist who created Metallo.
Superman and Lana Lang appear in flashback in Man of Steel #6, which takes places immediately following page 18 of this story.
The planet Krypton has been plagued by a green death which has poisoned millions. Scientist Jor-El has discovered that a chain reaction inside the planet's core is responsible, and the pressure in the core will soon lead to a catastrophic explosion. Unable to save himself or his people, Jor-El is able to attach a rocket to the birthing matrix of his unborn son, Kal-El. Just before the planet is destroyed, Jor-El sends his son to Earth.
Eighteen years later, Clark Kent of Smallville High is a football hero. After winning the final game of the season, his father Jonathan Kent takes him to an abandoned field and shows him the rocket that brought him to Earth. Jonathan explains that he and Martha found the ship and the baby inside soon after it crash landed. Clark learns for the first time that he is not the natural son of the Kents. He also decides that he should use his powers for the good of the world and prepares to leave Smallville.
Seven years later, Clark returns to Smallville and tells his parents about a recent incident in Metropolis. Though he has been secretly using his powers to prevent disasters and help people for several years, no one had seen him. However, when a NASA space plane was involved in a mid-air collision, Clark was forced to act publicly to save the plane and everyone onboard, including reporter Lois Lane. After landing the plane, Clark was mobbed, and retreated to Smallville for his parents counsel.
The Kents help Clark construct a costumed identity, so that he can act publicly. As Clark Kent he begins wearing glasses, slicking his hair back, and stooping to alter his appearance. Clark puts on the new costume and takes the name Superman.
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