Legion of Super-Heroes #4
Legion of Super-Heroes #4
Cover Credits
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Sheldon Moldoff

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Title: "Colossal Boy's One-Man War"
Pages: 17

Legion of Super-Heroes (of Earth-1)

Writer: Edmond Hamilton
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Sheldon Moldoff

Reprinted From:
Adventure Comics #341 (1966)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • Bizarro Computo (destroyed in this story; no further appearances)
  • Citizens of 30th century Metropolis (no further appearances)

Part 1: "The Weirdo Legionnaire"
Part 2: "The Strategy of Brainiac 5"

Triplicate Girl becomes Duo Damsel in this story.

This story is continued from Adventure Comics #340.

The Legionnaires still free regroup, and Triplicate Girl, believed dead, is given a funeral. Her remains are collected in a rocket urn and sent to Shanghalla, the cemetary satellite for heroes. When her other two bodies show up immediately afterward, the others rejoice and call her by the new name she's chosen: Duo Damsel.

Superboy, meanwhile, is making plans to rescue the other Legionnaires, and not long afterward a new hero called the Weirdo Legionnaire appears to face Computo. While it distracts the computers, Colossal Boy grows and smashes two of them, freeing Sun Boy and Star Boy. The Weirdo Legionnaire then escapes, revealing himself to be Proty II in disguise.

The heroes then regroup underground in the former Batcave. When Computo contacts them, he threatens to destroy Saturn Girl. Brainiac 5, desperate to save her, uses an imperfect duplicator ray to create a Bizarro-Computo, but it proves ineffective against the computer army. As a last-ditch effort, Brainiac 5 produces a device from the Batcave that releases an "anti-matter force thing", which succeeds in destroying Computo and its army.

The captive Legionnaires are rescued, and Brainiac 5 repels the force-thing back into its own anti-matter universe when it turns on them. As Superboy returns to his own time, the heroes turn to the task of restoring their Clubhouse.

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