Superman Family #165
Title: "Krypto's Three Amazing Transformations"
Pages: 7
Superboy (of Earth-1)
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: George Papp
Reprinted From:
Superboy #111 (1964)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Guest Appearance(s)
Other Character(s)
- Sinbad, some pirates, Mrs. O'Leary, a stableboy, and a group of miners (no further appearances)
Superboy is returning from a mission in the future with the Legion of Super-Heroes in this story. Superboy comments that Lightning Lass was present, so this adventure must take place prior to Adventure Comics #317, when Lightning Lass became Light Lass.
Bizarro travels back through the time barrier with a Red Kryptonite meteor. As a prank, he uses the Kryptonite on Krypto. Krypto tries to escape through the time barrier, but is too late.
The Red Kryptonite causes Krypto to be transformed into a nearby animal whenever music is played. First he becomes a giant red roc and stops some pirates; next he becomes the cow that started the Chicago fire; finally he becomes a llama and saves Superboy. Superboy explains to Krypto that he was saved by another "LL".
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