Arak/Son of Thunder #18
Arak/Son of Thunder #18
Cover Credits
Penciller: Adrian Gonzales
Inker: Alfredo P. Alcala

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Title: "Death Upon a Horn of Gold"
Pages: 16


Writer: Roy Thomas
Plotter: Danette Thomas
Penciller: Adrian Gonzales
Inker/Letterer: Alfredo P. Alcala
Colorist: Adrienne Roy

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

This story is continued from the first story of Arak/Son of Thunder #17.

Arak is held prisoner by Haakon who unleashes sea fire upon a ship containing Valda, Satyricus, Empress Irene, and her son. Satyricus revives as the ship catches fire and awakens Valda. Working together then get Irene and Constantine off the ship. Meanwhile, Arak frees himself and fights off many of Haakon's men. He then dives into the water to help get the others to safety. Haakon seizes the opportunity to escape with Kallinikos who alone knows the secret of the sea fire.

Arak and the others are taken back to the palace. Irene presents them with a mission to follow Haakon back to White Cathay to retrieve Kallinikos or to kill him. A heretic priest names Johannes then appears before the court. The Byzantines want to kill him, but Arak defends them man who will serve as a guide to White Cathay. The foursome then depart on their quest.

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