Detective Comics #48
Title: (No Title)
Pages: 8
Slam Bradley (of Earth-1)
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: Howard Sherman
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Mr. Doler (a publisher; no further appearances)
- Doler's thugs (Tiny Ringo, Rocco, and Louie Terry named; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Ed Ellis and WT Ward (editor of the Morning Blade and a reporter; no further appearances)
- Mr. Newsom (a newspaper editor; no further appearances)
- Guiseppe (a circus showman; no further appearances)
Slam Bradley is hired by newspaper editor Ed Ellis to help with a mining conditions story. Ellis and report W.T. Ward have been threatened, so Slam and Shorty offer their protection. Slam and Shorty are attacked several times to prevent them from interferring. Shorty is kidnapped, but escapes with the aid of a circus giraffe. Slam eventually exposes the mine owne Mr. Doler, who also owns Ellis's newspaper. After Doler's involvement is exposed, he concedes to improve mine conditions and allows the workers to unionize.
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