Swamp Thing #70
Swamp Thing #70
Cover Credits
Penciller: Rick Veitch
Inker: Thomas Yeates

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Title: "The Secret Life of Plants"
Pages: 24

Swamp Thing (Post-Crisis)

Writer/Penciller: Rick Veitch
Penciller: Brett Ewins
Inker: Alfredo P. Alcala
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Tatjana Wood

Reprinted In:
Swamp Thing:Regenesis TPB (2004)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Blackbriar Thorn (as a spirit; first post-Crisis appearance; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

This story continues in Swamp Thing #71.

John Constantine questions many of his contacts around the world to gather information on an imbalance in nature. He learns that the cause of the imbalance is Swamp Thing who has defied the Parliament of Trees. He determines who will be the new host for the Sprout. Then he brings the information to Swamp Thing to work on a solution.

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