Superman:Daily Planet TPB
Title: "Jimmy Olsen's Girl Trouble"
Pages: 10
Jimmy Olsen (of Earth-1)
Writer: E. Nelson Bridwell
Artist: Peter Costanza
Reprinted From:
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #124 (1969)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Bomber Baines, Silent Slim, and Nitro Shaw (assassins; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Hazel Powell (a cub reporter; no further appearances)
- Nick Arnold (a golfer; no further appearances)
Jimmy Olsen is promoted to a full-fledged reporter in this story.
When Little Louie an underworld syndicate leader dies his will decrees that his estate go to the man of kills Jimmy Olsen. Three underworld killers take the job and try to kill the boy reporter while he is training new cub reporter Hazel Powell. Hazel is clumsy and through a series of accidents saves Jimmy's life from the killers several times. When all three assassins strike at once, Hazel accidentally triggers Jimmy's signal watch. Superman arrives to apprehend the would-be killers. Jimmy then offers to take Hazel on a date to reward her for saving his life.
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