Adventures of Rex, the Wonder Dog #46
Title: "The Chimp-Champ of Baseball"
Pages: 7
Detective Chimp (of Earth-1)
Writer: John Broome
Artist: Carmine Infantino
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Gower and Willie (criminals; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- A little league team (no further appearances)
Bobo begins playing baseball on a little league team. When he and Sheriff Chase arrive for a game, Bobo realizes that he has forgotten his glove. The Sheriff sends Bobo back to the office to retrieve it.
Two crooks held prisoner in the sheriff's office hide near the ceiling of their cell. When Bobo enters the office, he thinks the crooks have escaped. He opens the cell, and the crooks jump him. Bobo pursues them as they try to getaway. Bobo outwits the crooks and returns them to jail. He then returns to the baseball game in time to deliver a clutch pinch hit to win the game.
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