Cover Credits |
Artist: John E. Workman, Jr. |
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Comic Title: Justice League of America Archives Vol. 2 HC
Publisher: DC
Cover Date: 1993
On Sale Date:
September 28, 1993 Shipping Date September 28, 1993
Source: Previews, Vol. 3 #7 (#55)
Shipping Date September 28, 1993
Source: Direct Currents, #68
Direct Market Date November 8, 1993
Source: Usenet, (Capital City) : New Weekly Releases: November 8, 1993
Direct Market Date February 28, 1994
Source: Usenet, (Capital City) : New Releases: February 28, 1994
Cover Price: $39.95
Page Count: 224
Editor: Bob Kahan
See Also: The Guide to Graphic Novels and Collected Editions
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Title: "The Origin of the Justice League"
Pages: 26
Justice League of America (of Earth-1)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Penciller: Mike Sekowsky
Inker: Bernard Sachs
Reprinted From:
Justice League of America #9 (1962)
Feature Character(s)
- Justice League of America (last appearance in Justice League of America #8; next appearance in Justice League of America #10)
- Superman (last appearance in World's Finest Comics #123; next appearance in Superman #151)
- Batman (last appearance in World's Finest Comics #123; next appearance in Detective Comics #300)
- Flash (last appearance in Flash #126; next appearance in Flash #127)
- Wonder Woman (last appearance in Wonder Woman #127; next appearance in Wonder Woman #128)
- Green Lantern (last appearance in Green Lantern #10; next appearance in Green Lantern #11)
- Martian Manhunter (last appearance in Detective Comics #299; next appearance in Detective Comics #300)
- Aquaman (last appearance in Detective Comics #299; next appearance in Detective Comics #300)
- Green Arrow (last appearance in World's Finest Comics #123; next appearance in World's Finest Comics #124)
Supporting Character(s)
- Snapper Carr (last appearance in Justice League of America #8; next appearance in Justice League of America #10)
- Stone-God, Glass-Man, Mercury Monster, Golden Roc, Fire-Lord, and Wood-King (aliens of planet Appellax; next appearance in Justice League of America #200)
- Crystal Creature (alien of planet Appellax; next appearance in Justice League of America #65)
Guest Appearance(s)
- Amazons (last appearance in Wonder Woman #103; next appearance in Wonder Woman #112)
Other Character(s)
- An unnamed official of planet Appellax (an inventor; no further appearances)
Flashback Appearance(s)
- Justice League of America (origin revealed; earliest chronological appearance; next appearance in Brave and the Bold #28)
- Superman (last appearance in Action Comics #259; next appearance in Superman #134)
- Batman (last appearance in Detective Comics #274; next appearance in Detective Comics #275)
- Flash (last appearance in Flash #110; next appearance in Flash #111)
- Wonder Woman (last appearance in Wonder Woman #110; next appearance in Wonder Woman #111)
- Green Lantern (last appearance in Showcase #23; next appearance in Showcase #24)
- Martian Manhunter (last appearance in Detective Comics #274; next appearance in Detective Comics #275)
- Aquaman (last appearance in Adventure Comics #267; next appearance in Adventure Comics #268)
Wonder Woman is the chairman of the JLA meeting in this story.
On the occasion of their third anniversary as a team, the Justice League celebrates with a party, and the original members narrate for newcomers Snapper and Green Arrow the details of the adventure that resulted in the formation of the team.
In the flashback tale, aliens from the planet Appellax came to Earth inside meteors to compete for the throne of their world, and in doing so, changed humans into weird copies of themselves. The Martian Manhunter encountered and defeated a stone giant, Aquaman battled a glass being, Wonder Woman saved Paradise Island from a mercury creature, Green Lantern combated a golden bird-like menace, and the Flash snuffed out a flame creature.
With five of the seven meteors accounted for, the super-heroes met at the sixth, only to be transformed into tree-like creatures by a wood-being – a plight from which they escaped through teamwork. Together, they traveled to Greenland, where Superman and Batman had teamed up to fight the final invader, a diamond humanoid.
In the aftermath of this adventure, the seven champions united permanently as the Justice League of America.
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