Showcase Presents:Justice League of America Vol. 1 TPB
Showcase Presents:Justice League of America Vol. 1 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Murphy Anderson

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Title: "When Gravity Went Wild"
Pages: 26

Justice League of America (of Earth-1)

Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Penciller: Mike Sekowsky
Inker: Bernard Sachs

Reprinted From:
Justice League of America #5 (1961)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


On the trail of six of their individual foes who have banded together after a jailbreak, the Justice League members find themselves apparently betrayed by their newest comrade-in-arms, Green Arrow. Superman, Batman, and Snapper Carr sit in judgment as the others relate how the Ace Archer aided Captain Cold, Professor Menace, and Clock King against Flash and Wonder Woman, then helped Electric Man, the Puppet Master, and Monty Moran escape from Aquaman, Green Lantern, and J’onn J’onzz. When Green Arrow tells his side of the story, it is revealed that his actions actually saved his fellow members from traps set by their enemies. He had maintained in this regard only because he had discovered that one member of the team was actually an imposter, and he hoped that the accounts of the battles would give him a clue as to who the imposter might be. It turns out to be "Green Lantern".

As the heroes take the fake GL to the police, they are seized in an anti-gravity ray, and taken prisoners to his hideaway, where the real Green Lantern is already imprisoned. The villainous Dr. Destiny then reveals how he had planned a criminal coup after eliminating the super-heroes with his anti-gravity and will-deadening weapons. While he is occupied with his new captives, Green Lantern escapes, overpowers Destiny and his henchmen, and thus saves the League from being fired into space forever.

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