Cover Credits |
Artist: Darwyn Cooke |
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Comic Title: Justice League of America:The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 2 HC
Publisher: DC
Cover Date: 2016
On Sale Date:
June 29, 2016 Direct Market Date June 29, 2016
Source: ComicList, New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Direct Market Date June 29, 2016
Source: Previews, #329
Cover Price: $99.99
Page Count: 1056
See Also: The Guide to Graphic Novels and Collected Editions
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Title: "Earth -- Without a Justice League"
Pages: 24
Justice League of America (of Earth-1)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Penciller: Mike Sekowsky
Inker: Bernard Sachs
Reprinted From:
Justice League of America #37 (1965)
Feature Character(s)
- Justice League of America (last appearance in Justice League of America #36; next appearance in Justice League of America #38)
- Flash of Earth-1 (last appearance in Flash #154; next appearance in Justice League of America #38)
- Batman of Earth-1 (appears in flashback to his first case; last appearance in Detective Comics #235; next appearance in Detective Comics #265)
- Hal Jordan (last appearance in Green Lantern #38; next appearance in Justice League of America #38)
- Ray Palmer (last appearance in Hawkman #9; next appearance in Justice League of America #38)
Guest Star(s)
- Justice Society of America (last appearance in Justice League of America #30; next appearance in Justice League of America #38)
- Atom of Earth-2 (disguised as the Atom of Earth-1 in this story; last appearance in Justice League of America #22; next appearance in Justice League of America #38)
- Doctor Fate (disguised as Superman in this story; last appearance in Showcase #56; next appearance in Justice League of America #38)
- Flash of Earth-2 (disguised as Flash of Earth-1 in this story; last appearance in Flash #151; next appearance in Justice League of America #38)
- Green Lantern of Earth-2 (disguised as Green Lantern of Earth-1 in this story; last appearance in Showcase #55; next appearance in Justice League of America #38)
- Hawkman of Earth-2 (disguised as J'onn J'onzz in this story; last appearance in Justice League of America #30; next appearance in Justice League of America #38)
- Mr. Terrific (first Silver Age appearance; disguised as Batman in this story; last appearance in Sensation Comics #63; next appearance in Justice League of America #38)
- Johnny Thunder of Earth-2 (last appearance in Flash #137; next appearance in Justice League of America #38)
- Thunderbolt (first Silver Age appearance; last appearance in Superman Family #204; next appearance in Justice League of America #38)
- Johnny Thunder of Earth-1 (next appearance in Justice League of America #38)
- The Lawless League: Race Morrison, Barney Judson, Eddie Orson, Ripper Jones, Bill Gore, and Monk Loomis (next appearance in Justice League of America #38)
- Johnny Thunder's gang (no further appearances)
Cameo Appearance(s)
- Abin Sur (behind-the-scenes in flashback inside his spaceship)
- Dr. Mark Erdel (in flashback to J'onn J'onzz's origin)
- Hawkman of Earth-1 (behind-the-scenes in flashback inside his ship only)
The Justice League appears only briefly in this story.
The origins of the Flash, Superman, Green Lantern, Atom, and J'onn J'onzz are briefly retold in this story.
Batman appears chronologically during his first case. This story makes reference to the first story of Detective Comics #27, which features the Earth-2 Batman. The Earth-1 Batman's rooftop encounter with the thugs and Thunderbolt in this story must have taken place just prior to the flashback in the first story of Detective Comics #265, which is the Earth-1 Batman's first case. The rooftop encounter therefore must take place on both Earth-1 and Earth-2.
Earth-A is created in this story as an alternate from Earth-1 where the Justice League never received their powers. Earth-A is actually an alternate timeline rather than a parallel Earth such as Earth-2.
This story continues in Justice League of America #38.
Johnny Thunder, the slightly wacky Justice Society member who commands a magical Thunderbolt, runs afoul of his Earth-1 counterpart, a small-time crook, who overpowers him and takes control of the genie-like servant. Realizing that the various Justice League heroes will stop his robbery schemes, the criminal has the Thunderbolt travel back in time to prevent the super-heroes' origins from occurring. Thus, he is free to commit crimes on an Earth without super-heroes - renamed Earth-A, for Alternate.
Investigating the disappearance of Johnny, the Justice Society discovers the evil Johnny's scheme, and travels to Earth-1 to stop him. They defeat his gang, but he himself escapes with the help of the Thunderbolt. Unable to restore the Justice League to existence or revive the good Johnny, the JSA members disguise themselves as JLA heroes, hoping to confuse their foe. While Flash, Green Lantern, and Atom take on the guises of their counterparts, Dr. Fate becomes Superman, Mr. Terrific takes on the role of Batman, and Hawkman (presumably unaware of the Earth-1 Hawkman's recent membership) impersonates the Martian Manhunter. The Thunderbolt battles the JSA-turned-JLA, by dividing himself into six beings, but is defeated.
Escaping again, Johnny concocts a new plan. He has the Thunderbolt travel in time again, this time replacing the Justice League heroes with six of his gang members. Transformed back to their usual identities, the Justice Society now faces a Lawless League composed of an evil Superman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern, Atom, and Martian Manhunter.
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